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It sounds cliché, but i am my own best salesman.

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i am a brand new Web Designer just starting out in the tech scene, based in Bucharest, a constantly growing web-development hub (also available remotely). Being creative, obsessive about details and with strong work ethics i find myself eager to work. Hidden below this background are my coding skills.

Some of my projects

Recently I've started getting used to Angular JS and its magic and even if I've not really done yet anything significant with Angular I can already feel its hidden power. Here's a sample of a gem store.

A recent demo-project based on a predifined design.
Built using Bootstrap grid system, CSS written with Sass preprocessor. I included a hand-coded modal window with some custom effects.

During my learning program on Treehouse, I have made this work using the customizing feature of Bootstrap. This is an exercise from a series of small projects of mine.

I am aware that nowadays there's a tendency to migrate from large desktop views to mobile screens. Consequently, responsive design comes first. This is an exercise of prototyping Bootstrap.

The most prominent part of a front-end framework is the grid system. Foundation was the first big framework to go responsive and also the only big mobile-first framework for a period of time. Here's the same project now prototyping Foundation 6.


My technical skills are fast growing and include experience of:

Bootstrap 3
Foundation 6

Lately i've switched from Windows OS to Linux OS because at this moment it fits my needs better.